Thanks for the lovely comments and hugs Ameythist, Lesley and Cath. I'll try not to get any further ailments, Lesley, Im fed up of sounding like a hypochondriac. John thought the doctor should have looked at carrying out tests, Cath, but, to be honest, I'mjust happy now if I can keep the eyes cleared up - we'll cross that bridge when and if I have any more problems.
I'm cheered up! The hydrocortisone cream has worked. I'm just back to having brownish shadows on my eyes which, as I said before, looks remarkably like a beige eyeshadow.
Seeing John's brother and wife yesterday was very nice. Although Jim and Jo only live in North London we really don't see much of them. We probably only catch up at Christmas and maybe 2 or 3 times during the year. Jo's also lost a lot of weight since I last saw her. She's been doing a low GI diet and has lost about 21/2stone (down to 9st 7lb or there abouts......grrr) and also doing some sort of dance class - NIA. I've never heard of it. I think it's some kind of free-movement class that isn't very widespread in the UK (came from the States, of course) and it sounds all rather hippy to me - just Jo's cup of tea. But I somehow don't think it would fit into the East End or Essex - hence no classes listed on the internet in this area.
I cooked a very nice low GI meal that fitted well into my new regime and had a fruit salad for dessert. I started incorporating fruit into my diet on Friday, mainly so that I could have breakfast! Everyone enjoyed the mea; and I enjoyed a glass of white wine - hmmm.
I had my weekly weigh-in this morning and checked my ketones. I'm still in ketosis and the pink registered on the 3rd one in (according to Heather - LLC- that was perfect for LighterLife, I just hope that's Ok now and it shouldn't be darker). And for the weight result........drumroll.......I've lost 3lbs - weyhey!

Well off to work now to see what the day brings (more of the same I suppose) and I'll try very hard to get on later to check in with everybody. Have a good week.
Look at that ticker trundling steadily towards the end of the line! 3lbs is great news and I'm so proud of (and pleased for) you!
Well done Chris and I'm pleased that you back to being fit to be seen in public again!!
That Low GI thing definitely sounds liek the way to go for me when I've got down to goal. Sounds nice as well as healthy too.
Lesley x
Hello hello!!
Great news on the three pounds, well done, have eventually caught up on your blog, I print it out and it makes great bed time reading, I have discarded all of my books as your blog is much more interesting. Sorry to hear you have had a down couple of days, your last post sounded much brighter I'm pleased, you certainly are faced with challenges, I love the fact you still carry on and get results regardless! You continue to be a great inspiration... Thanks for your words of wisdom..
Love Claire :o)
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