Thursday, 3 May 2007

I'm not in ketosis anymore

I did a 'wee' test and the stix showed negative this morning. I haven't gained any weight since Monday so that's all to the good but I need to be very careful. I'm trying to decide whether to get back into ketosis or just continue on a purely low GI diet. I like the idea of 'fat-burning' as per ketosis, but it is rather restrictive. I know where things went wrong - on the weekend I drank about 1/2 bottle wine and included a couple of new potatoes with the meal. I tried a tablespoon of wholewheat pasta on Monday and have also had a couple of squares of chocolate (and I mean 2!). I've also included quite a lot of fruit since last Friday. So all in all, regardless of the fact that on a 'normal' weightloss programme, other than the wine, this wouldn't have been too bad, on my regime it's had the effect of knocking me out of ketosis. Luckily, as I said, I haven't gained any weight from the glycogen going back on.

So, decisions decisions. Where's Mel when I need her? At Butlins, that's where!

On a more positive note. One of the girls at work, who is very nice but can sometimes be a little dour, commented on how slim I was looking. I shall remember that while I make up my mind about what to do.

Have a good day everyone.


Lesley said...

Let the scales decide! If you keep losing at a reasonable rate and you're happy with your programme, I wouldn't mess with it but if the uncertainty starts to mess with your mind, you'll have to go back to being more restrictive. Just continue to keep strict tabs on what you're doing and make sure you don;t lapse into the wooliness that not follwoinga regime can lead to. That's what i would be most frightened off.

Keep weighing, measuring, blogging and reporting and you should get there. And be better prepared for th real world than the rest of us!

Keep it up Chris - I'm with you every step of the way.

Lesley x

Claire Elliott said...

Hi Chris

It's such a dilemma, I'm not sure what is worse, doing abstinence or being able to eat and having to choose! They say things are sent to try us! I agree with Lesley, if you're losing then great, stick with it. Lovely to get good 'stokes' too, as they used to call them in LL classes! It feels great when people notice.. What ever you decide I admire your stamina and will to succeed! Keep up the positive attitude and resolve.

Have a good weekend

Claire :o)