At last! I've managed to get the photos on. It's taken a time and when I eventually sat down with John to do them, it was me who sorted it out!!
The first two were taken on 13th February, when I'd lost 7lbs after my first week on LIghterLife. I weighed in at 14st 11lbs whenI started - so that's me at 14st 4lbs...
The bottom two were taken on 2nd April after my weighin at 12st 9lbs. So that's 30lbs off!!!
I have been beginning to not feel the loss. Do you remember the early days when nearly every pound you lost, you could actually 'feel' it gone?
Well, I haven't been feeling that lately, but seeing the photos together, I can see the difference. And it really is worth going on.......
Not the most flattering of tops, though. I think that's one for the charity box!
And you can just see the state of the eyes - they started getting inflamed again on Satuday, 31st March.
Well here are the eyes in all their glory. I've come to the end of the road, I'm afraid. That's the reason I haven't posted since Tuesday, altho' I've looked at everyone else's blogs and commented on them. As you can imagine, I'm in quite a lot of discomfort -not pain exactly, just itchiness and a burning tenderness. They are a lot worse than when I stopped Lighterlife. I really don't know how I managed to do 3 weeks of Cambridge and get away with it so long. Different make up of the packs maybe? (Although Cambridge make the packs for Lighterlife, so?)
As you can see the redness is also starting around my mouth and there's a nasty patch beneath my chin that can just be seen in the photo.
Yesterday I started taking a Zirtek tablet (for allergies and hayfever). It's a one a day. The swelling has gone down slightly but they're sytill so red and dry. I got up the other morning and my eyes would have looked better on an elephant or a rhino!. If they are no better in the morning I might take a walk down to the minor injuries or go to the hospital where my sister works in A&E (at least I'd get seen quicker)
I'm due at work tomorrow , but I'm calling in sick in the morning. If they don't like it they can take it as holiday leave. My dignity doesn't allow me to face the public looking like this. So how come I put it on here then?.......... We're all in this together. We share our highs and our lows. And won't I have a good picture to put up in the future!
I assure you I am NOT as UGLY as these pictures make out. I DO scrub up well for work and going out. But if they decided to make a UK version of Ugly Betty I'll be first in line for the can call it Ugy Chrissie!
So...I'm off the packs. That's the reason I didn't post. I needed to get my head around it. But I've decided to continue. I shall be following a healthy eating plan from now on. I am still in ketosis at the moment, I think ('cos I'm not hungry). I'm still drinking the water and not taking milk in my coffee. I'm gradually introducing protein and certain vegetables, as per the Cambridge booklet. And I think I'll give my LighterLife counsellor a ring to get hold of a copy of the Maintenance Handbook - she said I could have a copy. I know I'll soon be out of ketosis, but hopefully, there won't be a dramtic weightgain from the glygogen levels suddenly going up.
Did anyone see the diet campaign they did on 'Richard and Judy'? A number of families followed Ian Marber's Food Doctor plan and the weightlosses were quite impressive. Well, I've sent off for the books (through Amazon - a lot cheaper than through the tv prog) and that should keep me on track.
I shall keep up this blog, watch what everyone else is doing, and still follow my Foundation book (did you hear that, Lesley - still need your navel gazing!). I WILL GET THERE - SLOWER!!!
I finished a business mentorship programme last month and we had a motto:
"you're closer now than you've ever been"
Happy Easter to all..........
Wowsers - I can see why you're coming off the packs!! They really do NOT agree with you! Hope the swelling goes down soon, it must be very difficult to live with. (((((hugs)))))
I really don't think you'll have a problem with your sick day - just email that pic to your boss - he/she'll come round pretty quick!
Anyway, enough of that - It's very nice to meet you though and you can really see how much weight has come off - your tummy has disappeared!! Also your shoulders look a lot smaller and your arms are hanging down straighter so there's an impressive change in you. You keep it up Madam!
Yeah, I think a combination of low carb, GI and limited calorie intake sounds like the way to go with loads of supplements to make sure you're getting everything you need. On the other hand, have you thought about Atkins as you don't have that much to lose? I found it very effective and stayed in ketosis while on it. You might be able to keep up the speed of loss while you kock of the last couple of stone then gradually reintroduce low GI carbs on a modified Maintenance?
I really enjoyed Atkins and lost 3 stone but true to form didn't stick to it onec I started gettting serious results. So if you take the weight loss from Atkins and the lifestyle/mindset change from LL you could be on to a winner. Just a thought...
I'm pleased you've got a plan and hope to see you shrinking before my eyes over the next few weeks and months.
Keep it up Chris, I'm really rooting for you.
Have a Happy Easter and "enjoy" your sick day!
Lesley x
Thanks Lesley. It would have been better to have met you (and the others) looking a bit brighter, but there goes.
Yeah, I'm going to try to keep in ketosis as long as I can (I've actually lost another 3lbs since Monday) and if I can, then I definitely won't miss the packs. I found a website that gives examples of how to stay in ketosis and if I can follow that for as long as possible, I'll be happy. i don't want to go strictly down the Atkins route. I know people do lose weight on it, but I'm just afraid of the saturated fat. This evening I had cod fillet and veggies (sorry!) and last night, chicken and salad (sorry again!) and if I can keep that up I should keep the calories down well. No easter eggs tho', or the chocolate cake Lizzie wants me to make with her tomorrow.
Thanks again for your lovely comments...hugs to you too
Chris xx
Oh Chris you're eyes and face look so painful, I don't know how you've coped with that for so long. I'm really glad that you've said goodbye to the packs as the thought of you suffering like that is horrible. I'm sure you'll find a diet that is right for you - you're right to give Mel a shout as if anyone can advise you on a good way to eat healthily and lose weight then Mel can.
You're other photos are brilliant - you can really see where you've lost weight, that must make you feel good to see it like that.
Please do keep up your blog with all the details of your new diet .... as well as all the photo's of you shrinking with not a red eye in sight!
Chris, lovely to see you at long last!
You really can tell the weight loss in those photo's, your belly I have to say is the most dramatic. Your shape has really changed.
Seeing what those packs are doing to you, you really are doing the right thing stopping the packs, I'm still amazed at how much you've battled through such an ordeal, I take my hat off to you Chris I really do.
With you being in ketosis and burning fat so well I think Lesley's idea about low carb such would be a good way to start with. I eat normal meals at the moment, 'normal'...what is normal? I have meals like (avert your eyes non-eaters) Cottage Pie and veg, Sausage mash and veg, Chilli con-carne, or chicken salad. That kind of thing, and weighing stuff out or reading the packs to find out the calorie content.
With the summer coming, I was considering cutting out the carbs, chicken salads and BBQ foods are more appetising at this time of year, so I'm thinking of giving ketosis a go.
Hope the eyes clear up very soon, I'd definately get some medical advice if I were you, must be so uncomfortable for you.
(*(*(*(* LOTS OF HUGS *)*)*)*)
Mel xx
PS...Do keep up with the blog, I'd be lost without Aunty Chris' advice.
It's not just about the diet, the blogs are like a lovely little community and you're a big part of it, so you have to stay.
So there...
Mel x
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