I went for my weighin yesterday evening and another 4lbs. So that's 30lbs in 8 weeks (less 12 days). I don't need to reiterate why I don't want to give up on this. I was 14st 11lb two months ago and now I'm 12st 9lb.

There's no way I could lose this amount of weight on Slimming World or WeightWatchers. If I was a stone lighter I would probably (?) decide to give up Cambridge and try the more 'accepted' route. But I'm not in that safe place yet - as they say on LighterLife. As I said on my very first post, I know a lot of others have a much longer journey than me to reach their goals but it's all relevant to the individual and we all have our own demons to vanquish. So I will continue on Cambridge for as long as I can (it might mean hiding indoors so I don't frighten the natives though).
All but 2 of my packs are lactose free this week. I've bought 2 bars to try and I'll let you know what they taste like as they're supposed to be nicer than the LighterLife ones (more of a real chocolate taste apparently). I'll see how things go this week.
The redness and swelling is going to take a few days to go down as it did last time and I'm supposed to be at work on Thursday. I'll have to see how things are tomorrow and ring in if I don't think I'll be in a fit state to work in the front office. I wouldn't mind so much if I could hide in the back but the job isn't like that anymore - it's all customer-based.
As I said yesterday, I had to take John for a hospital appointment in the evening. He doesn't drive so I had to go with him. He wouldn't let me wait in the car so in I went with my head down. It didn't feel right because I'm normally a head up type of girl and I didn't feel true to myself (if you can understand that). I sat myself down with a book and let my hair fall forward whereas normally that would have bugged me and I'd be pushing it back out of the way. John went in for his appointment and where I was sitting I had my back to a large part of the waiting-room. When he came out he tapped me on the shoulder to say that he needed to go to x-ray. I got up to follow (head down of course) and suddenly I heard, "Christine!". I could have died! All the years we have been backwards and forwards to this hospital I have never seen anyone I know, why today of all days? I wouldn't mind, I couldn't even remember her name - I haven't seen her for years. I could remember where she lived and her children but not her name (Clare - I remembered when I went to bed), so there I was trying to hold a quick conversation with a complex and a bad memory!!!...lol.
I have another trial today. It's my sister's birthday and we're going to lunch at a local restaurant. So I'm just off upstairs to see what I can do with the war-paint and then I'll go along with a mushroom soup and ask if they can make that up for me. If not, then I'll have a bar which I shall take with 3 lactase enzyme capsules. A bottle of sparkiling water with St Clements and I'll be away. And hopefully the baby will be there so I can have a long cuddle while eveyone else is tucking in.
Another great loss Chris - 30lbs is brilliant, I really do know why you don't want to give up on what's working so well for you.
I totally agree with you on the point that weight and how you feel about it is relevant to the individual whether you've two stone or ten to lose. Each of these can leave a person with emotional battle scars along the way.
So your toast landed butter side down then when you got to the hospital - aint life great like that. Get you down then give you another little kick. That'll be one of those memories to bring a smile to your face in the future ... and at least you know that you're memorable :)
Hope John is all sorted and that his results come back okay!
Good luck today, I'm sure you'll do great and at least while everyone's eating you'll get extra cuddle time with the baby.
Well done Chris! God - you've really had to fight for every lb haven't you? Anyway, stick it out and soon you'll be there! It'll all be worth it.
Keep it up and keep smiling.... unless that hurts as well!
Lesley x
Well done you!! Thats great progress so far, especially considering the ups and downs you've had.
Just a quick note today but will catch up properly at the weekend.
Take care
Wendy x
Hi Chris
Eventually caught up with all of the news, firstly thanks for the offer of the packs, rightly or wrongly I spoke to the LL councilor and told her my sins and she allowed my to buy two bars for £5!! But thank you very much for the kind offer. You put me to shame, I can't believe what a battle you are having with everything, I moan about this diet and have had nothing like you have experienced, I think you're great! Hope the meal goes ok, just think of how heavy that 30lbs was to carry about and you will have all of the inspiration you need. I hope John is ok and you have a trouble free Happy Easter... Take care and well done!!
Claire :o)
Well done, 4lbs is great!
If anyone deserves a good weight loss this week, you certainly do.
Have a good weekend,
Mel x
How are you feeling now Chris? Hope the redness has eased down and that you're felling better & brighter.
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