Easter came and went with not much happening on this front. Mum stayed for the weekend and Janice, my sister came for Sunday lunch as her husband was working.
There were eggs in abundance but I wasn't tempted; and I even supervised Elizabeth whilst she made her long-awaited chocolate cake. She was a little upset that I didn't want a slice that evening so I had a small nibble just to keep her happy. It's funny, but yesterday evening I would have killed for some of that cake. There was still some left so I had a mouthful and that really put the chocolate demons to bed. It was just a taster but that was all I needed (and when I say 'needed' I mean 'needed' - just like a fix). When I was doing Slimming World the others in the class couldn't believe that I could eat one square of chocolate and that would be sufficient. It wouldn't be if I wasn't on a diet - then I wouldn't stop until the whole bar or box had gone, but if the mindset is there I can do it.
I had a surprise telephone call on Saturday evening from Heather, my
LighterLife counsellor to say that she has still be reading my blog each day and had seen the photos of my eyes. She suggested I pop along to her office for a chat. So I went along on Sunday and we had a great chat, but I did realise what I was missing by not being at the sessions. Heather was very kind and said she would like to help me with my management and gave me a copy of the Blue Management Handbook and recipe books and the motivational
CDs. This will all come to you in due course, girls, so I won't go into any details as it will be better to come as a surprise, but, very interesting! (NB: although 2
CDCs told me that Cambridge make the
LighterLife packs, Heather told me that they no longer do - I just wanted to clarify that).
I was at work yesterday: and were we busy. We opened at 9.30 and had queues to the door all day long until we closed at 5.00. Was I exhausted when I got home! I'm not used to working all day any more. My boss was astounded with the change in me. I hadn't had my uniform on for a week and a half and in that time my body shape seems to have altered. When I ordered my uniform back at the beginning of last year I ordered size 16 as that's what I'd ordered for the new set 2 years before that (which was rather tight on me by then). I was in denial about the amount of weight I was gaining and also thought I would slim into it. -Heh! Grow out of it
more's the case! I don't have an extensive uniform as I'm only
contracted to work Saturdays but they gave me an allowance for a couple of extra tops because I often work during the week. Well, you've guessed it, I've never been able to wear one of the skirts or the jacket, and in fact I gave the skirt away to a colleague and purchased an elasticated one from
BonMarche. Why I didn't just buy exchange the uniform skirt for a larger size, I don't know....that denial thing, eh? I'll admit now that I was an 18 to a small 20 by the time I started
LighterLife - no way was a size 16 going to go anywhere near!
Surprise! Surprise! - the jacket fits, the skirt fits, some of the tops
are getting too big!!!!!
Never have I been so chuffed to have to go and spend money on work clothes.
One customer (who I admit isn't quite fully 'there') asked if I was new to the Branch, and another said he nearly didn't recognise me and how different I looked in my uniform. Oh, the things we have to put up with on this diet lark......
Sorry, went on a bit didn't I?
I popped over to my friend Lisa's earlier today and sat with her daughter, another Christine, while she's in her first stages of labour. So another bundle of joy to cuddle -very soon.
The title of this post also says 'Bad Days'. Well today is a bad day. I don't exactly know why, but I'm feeling rather down at the moment. Lots of reasons, not all to do with diet, but it's not the best of days. I don't know what I want, but I want 'something', I just don't know what it is, or where to find it. I'm feeling let down, but not by anyone or anything in particular. I want to go and eat a nice meal in a nice restaurant, but I know I'd feel bad about it tomorrow. I'm tired!
.......a couple of hours later........ I'm actually feeling a little more positive. Liz is out swimming with a friend, John is cutting the grass (which I've been onto him about for ages - it's almost got to the point that if one of the cats walks down the garden you can only see the top of their tails. Well not really, but not far off). I've just sat here catching up on everyone's blogs and note that some of you others have had an off day or two - must be that something in the air again.
Oh, and I didn't say how much I lost when I weighed on Monday - another 3lbs (and that's with eating, but don't get rattled, girls. That wasn't eating much)

I've reconfigured my ticker to show a target weight of 10st 7lbs. At my height I'm begining to agree that the original 10st I set may be too low, and I feel much more motivated by a weight that I think will be easier to attain than a possible 'fail' weight. It's not so far to go either!