Friday, 30 March 2007

Oh no, not again!

You won't believe it; I woke up this morning with red eyes and dry patches on my cheek and under my chin. Why me? I only want to lose weight. Even my body is trying to find ways to stop me.

I wasn't totally surprised, as yesterday evening the crease at the outer corners of my eyes was a little sore, and an area under my chin was itchy. It's my fault really, I suppose. I know I should be taking the lactose enzyme capsules - and I have, but because I wasn't having any reactions I cut the dose back to 1 before each meal pack. I've learnt my lesson now. I've upped them to 2 and I'll see how I go over the mext few days before I think of increasing the dose to even more. Serves me right for trying to save a little money, dosen't it (the capsules are £8.49 a bottle and contain 60). When I go for my weigh-in on Monday I think I'll buy a lot more lactose free packs, it's just I won't have so much choice - just vanilla, chocolate and mushroom.

On a nicer note. I made up the layette today and went of to my nephew's. They were both really impressed with the pressie, so much so that Lisa doesn't want to open it. She said I should set up a stall in the maternity hospital and sell them. She said I'd make a mint! I must say it did look really good. I managed to get hold of a smaller-sized wicker laundry basket in the 99p store of all places and then I bought some light blue tissue paper which I shredded and filled in the gaps around the products with. I'd also bought some clear cellophane from a florists and the florist made me up a blue bow. When made up, the basket looked really professional and would probably have cost a bomb from a specialist shop. I enjoy arts and crafts but haven't made time to do anything for ages and this pandered to my fancy and I really loved doing it - with the help of Elizabeth of course (she broke up from school yeasterday).


SoonBeSlim... It's True! said...

Sorry to hear the symtoms are on the rise!

You do really well carrying on with the diet, faced with the illness I am sure I would of given up.

Keep going, and will see you on the other side of Slim


. said...

Oh no - really sorry that to hear you're suffering with a reaction to the packs again. I'd keep the tablets on 2, better to pay a little more and stay well - and just buy as many lactose free packs as you think you can stomach.

Hopefully the symptoms will ease down for you soon, there's not much worse than itching away.

Glad to hear the present went down so well, it certainly sounds gorgeous.


Mrs said...

I have been reading your blog since I started LighterLife and I really admire the way you haven't given up completely.

It's going to be trial and error for a while but remember you're worth it so pay what you need to get the support you need (even if that help is in a capsule). You have already shown such determination that you will make this work for you.

Just wanted to say...well done for keeping going!

Best wishes.

Mrs Lard (The Lard Arms)