Wednesday, 21 March 2007

What a week this is turning out to be....

I went back to work on Monday after 2 and half weeks off (well I went back Saturday to my contracted office but Monday to the overtime office - confused? I'm only contracted to work Saturdays and work in various offices as a supply when and if I'm needed). Now you're totally confused, aren't you?

It's all happening. A chap who's only been with this particular office for about 4 weeks, altho' he's been with the Society for about 2 years, came in yesterday morning, typed a half line letter of resignation and left. We couldn't believe it. He'd decided he'd had enough because Nationwide wouldn't give him a £5000 salary increase (if only!) so he'd gone out, got another job, and was leaving. We were all gobsmacked. It sort of left us up the proverbial creek as we were already short-staffed (hence me being there) and even the manager was out at a meeting. We had to telephone her to break the news and she wasn't mightily pleased, as you can imagine.

Today rather than working at that office I've been at Barking (where I work Saturdays) as I had loads of tests to do. I passed! We-ll, I failed 2 but it looks like I didn't need to do them as they weren't within my remit; no wonder I didn't know all the answers!!

As the Branch is in my town I didn't need to use the car. So rather than catch the bus I plugged my ipod in and walked - well trotted a little as the wind was behind me! I'd put my LighterLife pedometer on and set it as I left the house. Considering my job is very sedentary I still managed to do 4,700 odd steps there and back. Not the 10,000 we should all be doing, but when I did the same test for the other branch a few weeks ago my step count was less than 2800 for the whole day!! That's the problem with needing to use a car for work.

If I'm going to be able to up these steps I'll really have to find ways of upping my chances of getting out walking. Not so easy when there's a family to take into account. And 3 nights a week I take Elizabeth out to karate or youth club. That's more trips in the car there and back - and my evenings monopolised.

One thing about the walk though was that it was a lot easier than it was back in January before I started this journey. I felt a lot lighter and fitter and I didn't get the pain in my chest that I have got on occasions when walking at a pace.

Just walking to work! Lesley makes me feel embarrassed. I wish I had her commitment to getting out for a run every day. And I wish I could swim. I've tried to learn a few times, all to no avail.

Another first when I got home.....I decided that I would cook this evening. I've been leaving it to John really since I started LighterLife but I just fancied cooking this evening. So, spag bol, cooked from scratch. I had to stop myself licking my fingers a couple of times, but that was from force of habit from a cook's point of view. Yes, I did quite fancy sitting down to a plateful but it was no real hardship that I couldn't. So, a gold star for me, I think.


. said...

Hi Chris

Well done on the walking to work - it's great that you can feel the difference in yourself ... you'll be jogging there soon or at least speed walking.

That was a bit of excitement in your office yesterday wasn't it? And then today having your tests (good on you for passing) - tomorrow in work will probably feel really boring now!

Take care


Lesley said...

great stuff and every little bit of exercise counts so don't feel bad! I find it harder to not get into the car than anything else so well done to you for managing it!

Is there any way you could do some exerciswe while Elizabth is in her class? Aerobic class or something? Just a thought.

Anyway, you sound really light and breezy in your post so tht is great and the lbs will start rolling off you after your little blip so well done!!

Wendy said...

Well done for cooking and not being tempted, I don't know that I could do it!!

And congratulations on passing your work tests.

Lovely to read your positive posts after all the ups and downs you had before.

Wendy x

Melanie said...

Big gold star! That's so good cooking and not eating any.

It is hard fitting exercise and family life together. Getting in, cooking the tea and getting Jacob fed, washed and ready for bed, feels like most evenings are gone in no time. That's why I'm looking forward to the summer nights. Might stop off at the park on the way home and start up a few circuits and build up to jogging.

I have been going for a walk at lunchtime, there's a canal circuit which takes about half an hour by work, and even if it is only a stroll around the cut, every little helps!

So well done for walking there and back!

And thank you for all your good advice, it's appreciated.
