Thursday, 15 March 2007

Still easing off LL

I went to meet my new Cambridge Diet Counsellor yesterday evening. It's a lot different to Lighterlife, much less formal I suppose. We met in her front room - I'm not too sure about that as I felt I was in the way of her husband. It's the way she's done things since she qualified as a CDC a year ago but I must say I wasn't quite comfortable. I don't want to be seen by the neighbours as one of the fat girls who walk up her path each week. I'm being stupid, I know. You don't have to tell me.

Considering I wasn't too keen on being in someone's home, we did get on fine and I was there for over an hour - chatty, or not?

I collected 21 sachets of food- on Cambridge, it's only 3 packs per day, not 4 as on LL. Price £32.55 instead of £66.00 as well!! I didn't manage to get all lactose free ones as she didn't have them instock but I shall try the other flavours and see how I get on taking a lactase enzyme capsule before each meal. I have been finishing my remaining LL packs and taking a capsule each time and haven't had any adverse effects, so hopefully I'll do OK on Cambridge.

When I spoke to Heather the other day she said that Lighterlife were going to be bringing out lactose intolerant packs in the summer and they may ask me to be a guinea pig for them, which would mean I wouldn't have to pay. As inticing as the thought of not paying for the packs is I don't want to wait until the summer. You never know, I may be very near target weight by then!

So, 2 more days of Lighterlife and then it's on to Cambridge.

Cheer me up someone, please. I'm getting bored of this now. Jacki, the CDC, weighed me last night and I'd only lost another 3lbs since I was last weighed at LL on 27th Feb. I reweighed myself when I got home and I showed another 2lbs off (my scales are only about 1/2lb out to Heather's LL ones so on LL I would have lost 5lbs) but it doesn't make me feel ecstatic. And I'm still trying to get back into ketosis - that b****y egg salad did it for me on Tuesday evening!!


Lesley said...

You lost 3 lbs - better than a kick in the metaphorical nuts.... And, if you will go mad and treat yourself to an egg salad - you rebel you - what do you expect??! C'mon Christine, you've been really ill, you've had to swap diets and you're still sticking with it. Give yourself a break - you've done way more than a lot of us would manage, overcoming adversity and not using it as an excuse to falter.

Think how good it'll be next week, waddling up the path to the CDC's house, with all the neighbours there, taking photos (lol!) and finding that you've had a big juicy weight loss and you're back on track. And also, realising that you've got another £33 in your pocket to add to John's "Fund for the beautification of the slender Christine"?!

That's how it's going to be, I promise.

Well done for toughing it out - you've done brilliantly.

Now, get your words of consolation ready for me - it's weigh in time again and I'm not sure how good it's going to be again - still feel very watery...

chrismars said...

Oh, you do make me laugh, Lesley.

I feel a lot better than when I wrote earlier. I've been really hungry: or not so much hungry but bored today. That's the thing with getting better, you don't feel like sitting around watching slushy movies any longer. And I don't feel like going out much yet either. I need a great big kick up the backside.

I think though that if I'm going to rebel again I really must find something better to rebel with. Egg salad! Honestly! such a wimp, I can't even rebel properly...

An extra £33 per week for the 'beautification fund'. Hmmm, I like your thinking -:)

Good luck with your weighin this evening. You're already a Big Loser - let's make it even BIGGER!

Chris xx

Lesley said...

Cheers Chris - 4lbs so very happy. Hopefully next week I'll hit the big 4 stone loss mark which will be a first for me, and a last!!

I'm glad you feel a bit happier - boredom is a killer isn't it? The first stop to getting active is always the hardest - think of that and then set yourself a tiny little achievable target and before you know it you'll be out and about and active again wondering what all the fuss was about.

Unknown said...

Wow - its all happening Chris! Not checked in for a couple of days and had a lot to catch up on!

Well, what can I say - WELL DONE for sticking to dieting, and moving the CD! If it was me, I'd have probably given up, so you're doing amazingly well!

Make sure you keep us updated on your progess with CD. I am currently in week 6 now, and have lost 3 stone. I think I am about half way! YAY

Interesting about being a guinea pig, lets hope you can switch to a free Maintenance program with Lighter Life when you've achieved your goal weight with CD!! :-)

That way you may have even more variety to look forward too!! :-)

You'll get there - you're really showing great dedication and I am VERY positive you'll get to goal- take each day and keep up your water, and just think about how nicer Summer 2007 is going to be for you!!


chrismars said...

Oh, Tom, some really sweet comments there. I didn't realise you were on CD as well - and a 3 stone loss in less than 6 weeks. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! You're a STAR!

Come on man, I've said it before and I'll say it again. When are you going to share a blog with us? We know nothing about you. And it would be good to get a man's perspective of this dieting lark..

I hadn't thought of maintenance on LL. Something to think about. Heather (my LL counsellor) did say to keep in touch, so you never know....