Monday 12 March 2007

Day 34 - well, less the 8 days or so I was off the diet!!

I started the LighterLife programme again this morning. I'm still not feeling too well, but at least I'm up and about now. Still feeling rather shaky so probably not the best time to restart a diet, but it's now, or maybe never.

I emailed Heather this morning to let her know I was restarting and to ask if it was Ok to rejoin the class tomorrow evening. I haven't had my 28 day blood pressure check of course, but I hope she will say 'yes'.

I decided to start with a 2 capsule dose of the lactase enzyme and hope that will be sufficient to keep the intolerance at bay. If I need to I will up it to 3 capsules. If I have to take more this diet is going to work out even more expensive than it already is (other than I don't have to buy any more food, I know). I bought the capsules from Holland and Barrett and they come in bottles of 60 at £8.49 per bottle. If I have to take 3 with each meal then a bottle will only last 5 days......aaagh! If anyone knows of a cheaper source, then please let me know.

I tell you, I'm weeing a lot again! Having previously done the diet for nearly 4 weeks the wee situation had settled down and my loo trips were almost back to normal, but starting from scratch, I'm back at going again every 20 mins or so. And of course, I need to get back into ketosis again - roll on the end of this week.

If you're of that bent, please say a little prayer, or two, for me to be able to continue with the diet this time......


Lesley said...

Well done for getting back down to it - your determination is very impressive. I hope the capsules do the trick though as it'll be a lot easier to stick with LL than to have to start again.

Have you tried ebay for the caps? Worth a look.

Speak soon, Lesley x

chrismars said...

Nice to know you're out there, Lesley.

So far so good, but I'm back to copious loo trips again (lol)

Hadn't thought of ebay - shall give it a look if it works out that I can continue on this basis.
Good thinking, batman.

Chris x

Unknown said...

hey there! you were missed indeed! but i am glad you're back on it, and i really hope it goes okay this time.

i can't believe im coming to the end of my 5th week, it is sooo scary how quickly time has gone! ;-)

Keep it up and make sure you keep us updated too!!!!

Wendy said...

Hi Chris, good to see you back again! Your blog was the first one I found and it was very inspirational, so thank you for that. I have of course since found Lesley's blog too, which I read daily - thanks guys!
You could try for your capsules. They have free delivery and their prices are usually a lot cheaper than H&B.
Good luck and I hope everything goes well for you.
Wendy x