Monday: very busy day at work and I felt a bit down again. What is it with this diet thing? Saturday was bad, Sunday was a good day, and here we go with a bad day on Monday again. I think it may be that when I'm working I'm not able to drink so much and that tends to make me tired and restless. And then I also tend to get a nasty metallic taste in the mouth (which I suppose also means the diet's working and I'm well into ketosis). Cheered up in the evening though when I went to my Cambridge Diet counsellor - I'd lost another 4lbs! That's 26lbs altogether, and not bad in 6 weeks with a 12 day gap inbetween (which also meant I had to get back into ketosis again when I restarted). My weight was actually 2lbs heavier on the CDC scales, but I have decided to go with my scales as they were in line with the LighterLife scales and I feel 'cheated' of 2lbs - silly, I know, but it helps the motivation and, to me, is a truer indication of the weightloss.
Tuesday: Oh, a much better day! We get so busy at work and get caught up in what we're doing individually that often we don't get time to catch up with each other. But today everyone seemed to notice the change in me - I've not been in this office since last Tuesday and a week is a long time on a VLCD! The compliments were flying - and I was lapping them up. Isn't it great when people notice the difference in you and are positive about what you're doing? It makes all the down days disappear into the ether.
I though I would put my ticker up to show my weightloss. I update it regularly on minimins but, 'cos these blogs take so much time reading, responding and writing, I hardly get time to post on minimins any longer. So I thought I'd use it here:

Yesterday evening we went to meet Charlie, my nephew's new baby (oh, that sounds much better than saying me great-nephew). He's gorgeous and was really cuddly, hmmmm..... I just need to find something to buy them. They said they didn't need any big things and just wanted lots of smellies etc....?????? Any ideas?
Hi Chris
I know what you mean about the time disappearing! It's mental. Well done on your weight loss - nearly 2 stone which is going to be such a great milestone. Keep it up and don;t let the CD lot steal your 2lb either - you worked hard for that 2lb!!
Lesley x
Well done you!
That is an amazing weight loss, and it really is a wonderful feeling when people comment. I don't usually give people around me time to comment, I've normally told them before they get chance.
I'm looking forward to when someone who doesn't see me so often and doesn't know about my diet to just comment.
Ideas for baby gifts...when I had Jacob, my best friend made up a box of stuff, covered a cardboard box in baby wrapping paper, and put nappies, wipes, cotton wool, baby bath, and all the other general 'baby layette' stuff. Then covered the top in cling film and made a hamper. If stuff is duplicated it doesn't matter as it always comes in useful.
That's my handy tip for the day!
Take Care,
Mel xxx
Thanks Mel. That's the sort of thing I was thinking off but I wasn't sure what to put in. My Lizzie's 12 now and you get out of the loop when it comes to the needs of a new baby. I'm off to Asda on Friday to stock up and I'll see if they've got a suitable box to put it all in as well.
Lesley, you're rght about the 2lb. It's mine to lose if I want to - and I want to!
Night, night to you both.
Chris x
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