Thursday, 7 June 2007

Not the eyes!!

Hi, girls. sorry to keep you in suspenders but I couldn't get onto the laptop. John's been hogging it the last couple of evenings. But I shall catch you up on the hospital visit in a mo.

I have a more pressing dilemma though:

Since I came out of ketosis about 6 weeks ago I've found it really difficult to lose anymore weight. I had managed to get down to 12stone but have found the holy grail of the 11s becoming more and more elusive. I thought of trying to get back into ketosis again by going along a high protein route but the thought of going on a severely restricted menu for the forseeable just gives me nightmares. I know when on LighterLife and Cambridge I wasn't eating any food and I managed fine, but the willpower and the 'counting calories' is doing my head in.

So, I thought I'd give Slimfast a go. I tried it quite a few years back with a little success, but this time within a few days of trying it this time..... you've got it!..... my eyes started itching! Out has come the green base foundation again. It's nowhere near as bad as before, but I can't believe it. I checked the ingredients and the vitamin and mineral composition and the are some similarities to LL and CD, but I honestly don't know what's affecting me.

Anyway, this morning I went to the GP to collect a form the GP had completed for the insurance company and Sue, one of the receptionists, said, "How are your eyes, Chris? Oh, I see they're still not cleared up.".....thanks, Sue.I then took the form onto the hospital for completion by the consultant before I go in next week. Yes...I need a 'procedure'.

I went back for the results of the blood tests on Monday evening. Dr Ashraf was pleased to note that there were no real 'horrors' revealed but he did say that there was evidence of inflammation which couldn't be traced without further investigation. This, along with the fact that the pain returned a couple of days after my 'purge', suggests that a colonoscopy and gastroscopy are in order. I'm going in next Wednesday as a daycase and need to do another 'purge' on Tuesday and a low-residue, low fibre diet from Sunday. Do you think I'll lose any weight next week? I hope so.... (LOL - with reservation!).

If nothing shows on the Wednesday (and he has a feeling that that will be the case) then my problems could be down to a hernia - because of the acute pains, and scar tissue and adhesions, due to my history of severe endometriosis and the number of surgeries I've had.

At last! Someone who agrees with me. I've said to two GPs that could this be the reason for my problems but they've just looked at me as though I was an idiot. Some idiot! Even an endocrinologist I was under at the Middlesex Hospital in London asked me, because I was so knowledgable of the condition, when he was writing a book with another consultant, to read and comment on a chapter he had written on endometriosis before publication. Yeah, some idiot!

OK! I'm putting this in writing so I MUST follow through. I will not weigh myself until Monday. Too demotivating when losses don't show.


Lesley said...

Great to hear from you Chris - tell that John off for hogging the puter.

I'm sorry you have to go through yet another procedure - must be a nightmare. At least you have the satisfaction that something is being done and that you are probably right!!

I'm also sorry that you're struggling to lose any more weight. I think it's clear that packs just aren't for you any more. I hope you can come up with a regime tht suits. I think you need to apply the ketosis thing to the self-denial thing you learned in LL and suck up the pain of being on a diet for a little bit more. After all, if you get into ketosis then you will lose fast and it won't be that much longer any way.

Better the short, sharp shock than the long drawn out meandering around??

Let us know how you get on.

Lesley x

Mrs said...

Dear Chris

From one endo' sufferer to another, I send you a big hug! Of course, you're an expert!!

You probably know that endo' is now considered an auto-immune disorder and I am just wondering with your reaction to something in the packs...your body is obviously telling you something.

Anyway, just wanted to say a few things - good luck with the next round of tests. Will be keeping everything crossed.

One of my friends has been doing what is, in essence, the anti-candida diet - no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, no booze (!) - and lost a lot of weight and kept it off. Then she reintroduced -NOT on a massive scale - some bread, some cheese, some alcohol and she put on 3/4 stone in less than two weeks. She was very shocked at the speed of this AND she said it really affected how she felt physically - more bloated, more tired, more sluggish. Now, she is someone who is very dismissive of exclusion diets but...she said she has to concede there IS a difference. I am not suggesting you do the same but am wondering if you and the supposed experts can come up with a regime that works WITH your body rather than against it.

I know Lesley is usually asking about exercise so now it's my turn; not sure what you are doing exercise-wise right now? Maybe pilates could help ease the pain in the tummy area?

People can really underestimate the toll that pain management takes on us; endo has wiped me out SO many times and I have had zero inclination to move, particularly when doubled up in pain.

Chris, I'm sending you a big hug.

Keep us posted.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxxxxx

PS have you thought about acupuncture?