Saturday, 10 February 2007

Day 4

Before I write anymore I'd like to say sorry for the typos on yesterday's post. I really must brush up on my typing skills...

Also, my spelling....councellor is spelt counsellor!!!

Well, I'm getting through Day 4 Ok, but it is still a trial drinking the water. You see I don't really like water very much - unless it's a hot day. It will be better once get the LL flavourings. I tried both at the first meeting last Tuesday. They are Fruits of the Forest and Citrus and were both quite pleasant - definitely better than plain water. The flavourings also contain fibre, so you at least get some extra goodness from them.

I was working this morning and John phoned my mobile just before I left te office at 12.30 to say that he would meet me in the usual place. Thanks! I thought. Our normal routine of a Saturday is for him and our daughter to meet me in a local cafe for lunch after I finish work and he has picked Elizabeth (our daughter) up from her karate class. Just what I didn't want to do. But I thought if I can cope with this only 4 days in and avoid temptation then it bodes well for the next 95 days. Well, give me a medal! I sat there with a black coffee and my bottle of water while they both ate their lunches and I wasn't too worried either. After lunch we walked around the shops for a while but I began to feel a little queasy. By the time we got home it was gone 3pm, I hadn't had a foodpack since 8.15 and my water had run out about an hour and a half before. Once we got indoors and I had had my soup, I felt much better. I shall need to be careful in future and make sure if I can't have a foodpack, I at least have water available.

One of the girls at work asked if I had lost weight. She didn't know I was doing LL. Hurray!!!

Off to the pop-in to check my ketones tomorrow - I'll let you know...

I shall also be changing the Thai Chili soups that I have left. Not to my liking - at all!

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